The oral and maxillofacial surgeons of OKC-OMS are specialists in dental implant placement and its related treatments, and we conduct these procedures daily. Oklahoma City patients can benefit from our years of experience in surgical practice, contributions to the body of research on dental implants, and residency training focused on the procedure.

Beyond the skill and experience we offer, our practice is based off building relationships with our Oklahoma City patients. Our doctors will take the time to get to know you and your goals, and we will take steps to improve your comfort and confidence throughout your treatment.

What Are Dental Implants?

Healthy, natural teeth do not always last forever. Sometimes, whether due to tooth decay or traumatic injury, teeth can fall out or become damaged beyond repair. Dental implants represent one of the best ways to once again enjoy a healthy and confident smile. Through the dental implant process, a skilled oral surgeon provides patients with a way to go on with their normal activities, without any need to worry about the stability of their teeth.

Specifically, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root, generally resembling the shape of a screw. These are surgically implanted along the jawbone, and provide ample support for one or more artificial teeth, or crowns.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Tooth loss is surprisingly common among adults, and while there are a number of options to address the problem, we believe dental implants are uniquely advantageous.

Prevent Bone Loss and Deterioration

One of the most dangerous consequences of tooth loss is that, with nothing there to stimulate the jaw, the jawbone itself can begin to deteriorate. In fact, if no implant is placed within the first year of the tooth loss, the underlying bone area may lose a quarter of its volume. Dental implants can help avoid this.

Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

The ultimate goal of dental implants is to replace lost teeth with artificial ones that look and function just as well as the natural ones. Not only do custom-made crowns look indistinguishable from your natural teeth, but implants hold them securely enough to make chewing and other activities feel perfectly normal.

Long-Lasting and Reliable

Another significant advantage to getting dental implants in Oklahoma City is that they are intended to last a long time. While bridges may sometimes last for just a decade, implants are made to last a lifetime. Implants are biocompatible, which means they work harmoniously with the body, rather than being rejected by it.

Improved Ability to Chew

When you have one missing tooth, it can cause the surrounding teeth to become crooked. Over time, this can actually impede your ability to chew, leading to some disc

At OKC-OMS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, we are committed to providing patients with the care and experience needed for full smile restoration. We use advanced technology and prioritize patient comfort and safety to achieve natural-looking results.

Why Dental Implants is the Preferred Tooth Replacement Method

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

While dental implants offer many advantages, it is always important to consult with a provider to ensure you are a good candidate. At OKC-OMS, we are always happy to meet with patients and to provide them with our guidance as to how they can effectively address their lost teeth.

Generally, we recommend dental implants to patients who meet the following criteria:

  • You have one or more teeth in need of replacement.
  • Your gums and oral tissues are in good, healthy shape.
  • You have sufficient bone matter in your jaw or are eligible for a bone graft.
  • You either dislike clip-on dentures or are unable to wear them.
  • You are not a smoker.
  • You do not have any underlying medical conditions that could impede your ability to heal.
  • You maintain oral hygiene and are consistent in your dental check-ups and cleanings.

We welcome you to make an appointment at our Oklahoma City office to find out more about your qualifications for dental implants.

How Do Dental Implants work?

The first step in the process is simply ensuring that the implants themselves are secured to the jawline; once that work is done, the surgeon will add an abutment, which is a kind of connector. The abutment is placed on top of the dental implant and is designed to hold the crown securely in place.

Crowns themselves are custom-made for each patient. They are designed to match the look of the other, natural teeth and also to fit properly within the mouth.

Dental implants represent the strongest and most durable way to support crowns, and to replace lost or extracted teeth with something that looks and feels completely natural.

Implant Placement Options

At OKC-OMS, we provide our Oklahoma City patients with a number of options for dental implant placement. Different patients have different needs, depending on how many teeth must be replaced.

A Single Crown or Multiple Adjacent Crowns

Some patients come to us after losing a single tooth. For these patients, a single crown implant is all that is required. For Oklahoma City patients who have lost multiple teeth, as is often the case in traumatic facial accidents, several individual crown implants can be placed beside each other. Using a single crown implant or multiple adjacent crowns can be advantageous because it allows for missing teeth to be replaced without risking damage to the other surrounding teeth, which may remain perfectly healthy.

Implant Retained Dentures

For those who need to replace all of their teeth (or at least an entire row of their teeth, either top or bottom), dentures have long been the standard solution. While snap-on dentures are easily obtainable, many patients prefer the security that comes from mounting dentures to a series of dental implants. Implant retained dentures are more permanent than the snap-on or temporary varieties, and they also offer greater ease and comfort for eating and talking.

Full Arch of Fixed Teeth

At OKC-OMS, we recommend that many of our patients get a full arch of fixed teeth. This advanced treatment option allows us to secure an entire row of teeth with just four implants. In other words, it allows patients to have all of their missing or broken teeth replaced, but it does not require them to get an implant for each tooth. Titanium implants actually fuse to the jawbone, providing a peerlessly strong and supportive foundation for the replacement teeth.

Planning Your Care

As part of your initial consultation, your OKC-OMS doctor will talk with you about your needs and examine your teeth and their supporting structures. The doctor may also take radiographs or 3D X-rays to help in planning your treatment.

During the visit, you will also meet with our implant coordinator and insurance coordinator. These team members will help you understand the process of getting dental implants, discuss potential costs, and look at how insurance can help.

OKC-OMS uses a two-pronged approach to dental implant restoration:

  • Our specialists in oral surgery will plan, prepare for, and place the dental implants.
  • Separately, a restorative doctor will focus on creating attractive new teeth to connect to the implants.

Working with experts in each area will help you achieve the strongest and most aesthetically appealing result. The OKC-OMS implant coordinator will work with you and your restorative dentist to schedule your care.

Your Experience with Dental Implants 

Effective Treatment. Improved Function. Better Aesthetics.

OKC-OMS surgeons use a high degree of care and precision in conducting procedures. Our Oklahoma City patients describe the recovery from dental implants as more comfortable than other dental procedures they have had.

Partly, this is due to our ability to use a wide variety of anesthetic options. Depending on your preferences and treatment plan, we can do anything from profoundly numbing a single tooth to allowing you to sleep through the entire procedure. Our surgeons are licensed in IV general anesthesia and our staff maintains a high level of training to ensure safety during this aspect of your care. After procedures in our office, we will have you return one week later for a checkup to make sure you are healing comfortably.

The Dental Implant Placement Process

While the specifics of the dental implant process can vary according to patient need, the typical steps in the dental implant process are as follows.

Consultation and Examination

Your provider will first need to perform a comprehensive evaluation. This may involve X-rays and dental impressions. Additionally, we will match the color of your teeth, ensuring your new implants and crowns look as close to your natural teeth as possible. We will take a look at the number of teeth you need replaced and determine the ideal form of implants to address your needs.


What happens if you have a tooth in your mouth that is cracked or deteriorating, and needs to be replaced? We will extract any such teeth at the same time we perform the implant placement. Anesthesia will be used to ensure a comfortable experience. Unless the tooth is fractured, extraction is usually a very quick step in the process.

Implant Placement

Following tooth extraction, we will insert the implant. In some cases, this step in the process may also require a bone graft. In cases that require bone grafting, the bone will need some time to heal before the implant can be placed. The implant will become part of the natural gum line over the course of a few months.


Once the implant is sufficiently stable, an abutment is added. This is the piece that connects your implant to the crown. Abutment placement is usually quick and comes with minimal discomfort. The crown is then added, sometimes with cement and sometimes by being screwed into the abutment. This completes the restoration of your smile.

Average Cost of Dental Implants in OKC

One of the most common questions about getting dental implants is how much the process costs. The overall cost of dental implants in Oklahoma City can vary from patient to patient, based on a number of factors. On average, patients can expect the cost to be anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per tooth.

Several factors can influence this price range, with the number of implants being the most significant factor. The type of restoration can also affect price. Also note that there are a number of ancillary and related fees, which can vary from one practice to the next. These include the surgeon’s fees as well as the costs associated with anesthesia, medications, sedation, and any additional processes needed.

The recommended way to determine your expected cost is to join us at OKC-OMS in Oklahoma City for an individualized consultation and estimate. We welcome you to make an appointment with us at your convenience.

Recovery And Aftercare from Dental Implant Surgery

Following the initial dental implant placement, you will need to allow a few months for your implants to heal. Through a process called osseointegration, the dental implants will fuse with your jawbone, providing a stable anchor point for your final prosthesis. In the meantime, temporary replacement teeth are placed, allowing you to maintain a seamless smile.

Most patients are ready to resume work within a couple of days. You can anticipate some mild symptoms of soreness or swelling, which can be mitigated with over-the-counter medications. We also recommend a diet of liquids and soft foods for several days, gradually shifting back to your normal diet as your mouth heals.

Dental Implant FAQs

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about dental implants. Frequently asked questions include:

While all dental insurance plans differ, many offer partial or total coverage for dental implants. Our office is happy to help you navigate the insurance claims process and provide financing options.

Dental implants are very safe and can actually help to support your overall oral health. While all surgeries carry some risk, including the risk of infection, you can mitigate these risks through careful adherence to your aftercare instructions.

Your comfort is one of our foremost priorities. As such, we provide a range of sedation and anesthesia options for each surgical procedure.

For the vast majority of patients, dental implants are the preferable option. Not only are they stronger, longer lasting, and more secure, but they actively preserve jaw bone and do not require any healthy teeth to be compromised.

While the full osseointegration process can take up to six months, most patients are ready to resume their normal activities within a few days.

You can start with liquids and soft foods as soon as you feel able, gradually shifting back to your regular diet as your dental implant sites heal.

With the right upkeep, including regular brushing and routine dental checkups, dental implants may potentially last a very long time.

Conus implants use a tapered cone design to hold artificial prostheses in place, retaining a cap on the abutment through the use of surface friction. Conus implant-supported dentures are often a great option for those missing all of their teeth or requiring extensive extractions.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants at OKC-OMS

Contact OKC-OMS in Oklahoma City to schedule a consultation and discuss your eligibility for dental implants. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will answer all your questions and help you determine if implants are the right solution for your smile. Don’t wait any longer to regain your confidence and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, complete smile. Schedule a dental implant consultation with one of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons today.