Following dental implant surgery, it is important to avoid disturbing the wound. On the day of your procedure, avoid touching it, rinsing your mouth, or spitting.


Minor bleeding or red saliva is typical for the first 24 hours following surgery. If you have excessive bleeding, bite down on a piece of gauze for half an hour. Ensure that the gauze pad is placed directly over the incision site. If bleeding persists, contact our office.


Swelling is a regular occurrence after any kind of surgery, and the best way to control it is by applying ice to the side of the face where the surgery was performed. For the first 36 hours after surgery, use ice consistently while awake and keep your head elevated when possible. Swelling will peak in 2-3 days and then gradually subside. After 72 hours, discontinue the icing and apply a heat pack or warm washcloth with gentle massage 3-4 times daily.


Following the placement of dental implants, you will want to get plenty of fluids. On the day of surgery, stick to soft foods and liquids, then advance to a regular diet as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. After surgery, you may have a small visible metal healing cap connected to your implant(s) that protrudes slightly through the gum tissue. If present, it is essential not to chew directly on this healing cap for several months. We recommend gently brushing and cleaning this cap daily to keep it and the surrounding tissues clean.


If you experience mild to moderate pain, you may take 1-2 tablets of Tylenol® or Extra Strength Tylenol® every 6 hours. Ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®) can also help control pain, swelling, and inflammation. Ibuprofen generally comes in 200mg tablets; your doctor may suggest a 600mg dosage every 6 hours or an 800mg dosage every 8 hours.

Your doctor may prescribe narcotic pain medications for more severe pain. Narcotic pain medications can cause you to feel groggy, and they may also slow your reflexes. We recommend not driving, operating machinery, or drinking alcohol when taking narcotic pain medicines.

Following 72 hours after surgery, pain should become less and less pronounced each day. If discomfort persists or intensifies, contact our office.


The sutures around your dental implant(s) will likely be self-dissolving. If your surgeon uses non-dissolving sutures, the team will discuss this with you before discharge and arrange a follow-up visit to remove them 7-14 days following surgery. The process takes just a few minutes, does not require anesthesia, and does not cause discomfort.


Your surgeon will likely prescribe antibiotics to help prevent infection around your implant(s) following surgery. Do not continue using antibiotics if you experience a rash or adverse reactions. Contact our office if you have questions.

Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is an integral part of the healing process. Warm salt water rinses (teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) should be used at least 2-3 times a day, especially after meals. Brush your teeth and the healing caps like normal, and be gentle when brushing the surgical areas.


We advise keeping physical activity to a minimum the day after your surgery. Physical activity may result in bleeding or throbbing. Also, remember that, following surgery, you may not have your average level of nourishment, which means that exercise may weaken you or cause lightheadedness.

Wearing Your Prosthesis

To promote your recovery, do not use partial dentures, flippers, or full dentures for at least 10 days after surgery. If you have any questions, contact our office directly.